
Filter Calendar list:
Date Scope:

ALL is limited to 4 years; using date range can start the search earlier
when used on extensive calendars, add one or more filters below to narrow your search

Hints on searching the Calendar List

You can narrow your search using one or all of four criteria:

  1. Date range:
    • By Scope
      • Currect shows six weeks beginning with Sunday of the current week
      • Recent also shows six weeks, but starts three weeks earlier
      • All goes back #request.site_hitory# years—use date range to go back further
        when used on extensive calendars, this should be used in combination with other filters to restrict the number of items returned
    • By specific date range using the From and To fields
      • The filter shows the actual dates by a selected Scope, but you can change either or both the From and To dates. You can enter a date or use the date picker.
      • If you enter a date and use only month and day, the calendar will assume you mean the current year. You can use a slash or dash (4/15 of 4-15) and you do not need leading zeros for single digit months or days.
      • If you enter a date for another year, you only need the two digits of the desired year (4/15/10 or 4-15-10). Since dates prior to the year 2000 are not found in the calendars of any of our current sites, there is no need for 4-digit years.
      • Don't assume an error occurs if the date you enter or pick changes - the filter automatically sets the range from the Sunday of the "From" week to the Saturday of the "To" week.
    • The Calendar List will show only dates and items that fall within the selected date range and match any other filter criteria, not every date within the range. (Use the grid view to see a complete calendar).
  2. Category—each calendar item is assigned to one category, which is associated with the color-coded markers used in list or grid view.
  3. Topic—each calendar item can also be assigned to one topic, which acts like a sub-category (unlike the Resource Center, where each item can be assigned to multiple topics).
    When searching by topic, you will likely have the greatest success starting with the topic alone, then narrowing the other search options as needed
  4. Keywords
    The Calendar looks for a word, phrase or part of a word in the calendar item title, subtitle or description. This is a simple search, which looks for the exact text you have entered, since there is little need in the calendar for the more complex keyword options often found in very large databases and search engines. For the greatest success, start with a short, simple keyword and then narrow down if necessary by adding to the keyword.

Switch to Grid View

Color coding:  Holidays  Reminders  Daily Bible Reading  Evangel Events
 Other Events  Inspiration and Devotional

* click on item title for more details

May 2017

Daily Reading: Ecclesiastes 12:1-14*
Small Groups (various times and places)
There are a number of small groups that meet on their own schedules. See Pastor Dave if you would like to connect with one.
Sunday Worship (9:30 AM)
"Is There No God?" - Pastor Dave (2 Kings 1:1-15)

Archive Links: Bulletin | Sermon Podcast | Sermon Outline | Sermon Notes

Open Forum* (11:15 AM)
"Where should I attend church"?
Touch Points
Weekly Inspiration and Prayer Prompts
Facing Change - "Passing the Flame"

Archive Links: Touch Points

Daily Reading: Jeremiah 1:1-9*
Midweek Prayer Meeting (7:00 PM)
Sharing and intercessory prayer

Archive Links: Pause to Pray

Daily Reading: Jeremiah 36:1-32*
Men's Prayer Breakfast (6:45-8:00 AM)
McDonald's (County Farm and Roosevelt)


Daily Reading: Daniel 1:1-21*
Small Groups (various times and places)
There are a number of small groups that meet on their own schedules. See Pastor Dave if you would like to connect with one.
Sunday Worship (9:30 AM)
"What a Way to Go" - Pastor Dave (2 Kings 2:1-14)

Archive Links: Bulletin | Sermon Podcast | Sermon Outline | Sermon Notes

Touch Points
Weekly Inspiration and Prayer Prompts
Facing Change - "Tender Mercies"

Archive Links: Touch Points

Memorial Day (observed)
Daily Reading: Daniel 2:1-24*

Daily Reading: Daniel 3:1-30*
Midweek Prayer Meeting (7:00 PM)
Sharing and intercessory prayer

Archive Links: Pause to Pray

June 2017

Daily Reading: Daniel 5:1-30*
Men's Prayer Breakfast (6:45-8:00 AM)
McDonald's (County Farm and Roosevelt)

Pentecost Sunday
Daily Reading: Jonah 3:1-1-4:11*
Small Groups (various times and places)
There are a number of small groups that meet on their own schedules. See Pastor Dave if you would like to connect with one.
Sunday Worship (9:30 AM)
"Elijah Exists, but Endures" - Pastor Dave (1 Kings 18:36-37)

Archive Links: Bulletin | Sermon Podcast | Sermon Outline | Sermon Notes

Open Forum (11:00 AM)
Discussion of upcoming votes: sale agreement documents and changes to bylaws
Touch Points
Weekly Inspiration and Prayer Prompts
Facing Change - "Prayer for an Outpouring" (Pentecost Sunday)

Archive Links: Touch Points

Daily Reading: Luke 1:26-56*
Midweek Prayer Meeting (7:00 PM)
Sharing and intercessory prayer

Archive Links: Pause to Pray

Daily Reading: Luke 1:57-80*
Men's Prayer Breakfast (6:45-8:00 AM)
McDonald's (County Farm and Roosevelt)

Daily Reading: Luke 2:1-20*
Men's Connection (7:45-9:15 AM)
Fellowship, sharing and prayer. Fireside Room.

Daily Reading: Luke 2:21-39*
Small Groups (various times and places)
There are a number of small groups that meet on their own schedules. See Pastor Dave if you would like to connect with one.
Sunday Worship (9:30 AM)
"I Will Folow You" - Pastor Dave (Matthew 8:18-22) - first in a series of farewell sermons reprising earlier messages given at Evangel

Archive Links: Bulletin | Sermon Podcast | Sermon Outline | Sermon Notes

Business Meeting (11:00 AM)
Vote on approval of Sale Contract and related documents
Touch Points
Weekly Inspiration and Prayer Prompts
Facing Change - "Thanks for God's Presence"

Archive Links: Touch Points

Flag Day
Daily Reading: Luke 2:42-52*
Midweek Prayer Meeting (7:00 PM)
Sharing and intercessory prayer

Archive Links: Pause to Pray

Daily Reading: Mark 1:1-13*
Men's Prayer Breakfast (6:45-8:00 AM)
McDonald's (County Farm and Roosevelt)

Father's Day
Daily Reading: John 2:1-25*
Small Groups (various times and places)
There are a number of small groups that meet on their own schedules. See Pastor Dave if you would like to connect with one.
Sunday Worship (9:30 AM)
"Follow Me: Like This" - Pastor Dave - (Matthew 9:9-17) - second in series of farewll sermons reprising previous messages given at Evangel

Archive Links: Bulletin | Sermon Podcast | Sermon Outline | Sermon Notes

Touch Points
Weekly Inspiration and Prayer Prompts
Facing Change - "Important Ministry"

Archive Links: Touch Points

Summer Solstice
Daily Reading: John 4:1-42*
Midweek Prayer Meeting (7:00 PM)
Sharing and intercessory prayer

Archive Links: Pause to Pray

Daily Reading: John 4:43-54*
Men's Prayer Breakfast (6:45-8:00 AM)
McDonald's (County Farm and Roosevelt)

Daily Reading: Luke 5:1-39*
Small Groups (various times and places)
There are a number of small groups that meet on their own schedules. See Pastor Dave if you would like to connect with one.
Sunday Worship (9:30 AM)
"Let My People Go: I Have Plans for Them" - Pastor Dave (Exodus 1:1-14) - third in series of farewell sermons reprising previous messages given at Evangel

Archive Links: Bulletin | Sermon Podcast | Sermon Outline | Sermon Notes

Business Meeting (11:00 AM)
Vote on changes to Constitution and Bylaws
Touch Points
Weekly Inspiration and Prayer Prompts
Facing Change - "The Lord Our Helper"

Archive Links: Touch Points