Monday | February 17, 2025
Church Covenant
Our Commitment to Building and Maintaining a Healthy, Christ-Honoring Church
We are a people most blessed because by God’s grace we have come to trust Jesus Christ and Him only for our salvation.
We have declared this union with Christ publicly through baptism and desire, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to live like the people of God. We, therefore, in His presence promise:
- To pray for one another.
- To study the Scriptures endeavoring to make the Word of God the pattern for our words, thoughts and actions.
- To worship God and serve Him together with the members of this fellowship.
- To observe faithfully the Lord’s Supper.
- To give as God prospers us in supporting the financial needs of this place.
- To send the Gospel to the whole world.
- To witness to the power and love of Christ in our lives and lead others to faith in Him.
- To esteem the believers of this fellowship as the beloved children of God and practice the attributes of love.
- To protect the bond of peace that unites this assembly, allowing the freedom of expression and honoring the authority of our leaders.
- To abstain from whatever is unbecoming a Christian, knowing that our bodies, our minds, our spirits and our fellowship are sacred trusts from God.
- To give affection and time to our families, embracing the delight of sharing with them the Word of God because we are heirs together of the gracious gift of life.
- To become a vital part of another believing local church when we move from this area.
We, therefore, renew our promise to each other this day because of our love for the Lord Jesus and acknowledging His love for His bride, the church.
From the Evangel Baptist Church constitution, Article IV