Supported Missionaries

Throughout its history, Evangel has had a strong commitment to missions. We are blessed to support a number of people serving the Lord in various ways around the world. We are doubly blessed because many now and over the years have had a direct connection with Evangel—a remarkable situation for a small church.

Click on a group to see more details.
* indicates an Evangel connection.

A - G

Dennis & Julis Anderson, Global Compassion Network; disaster relief, based in Iowa *
Troy & Heather Cady, Christian Associates International; church development, based in Chicago *
Eric & Nicki Curtiss, Chrisitan Associates International; COO, Colorado headquarters *
Ed and Mary Fox, CTEN (Commission to Every Nation); Bible translation, Guatemala*
David and Carmen Gunderson, World Relief , Immigrant outreach, Minneapolis area *

H - L

Beth Hannah, Camino Global (formerly CAM International), church development, Mexico*
Ben and Sarah Johnson, Immigrant Hope (EFCA); immigrant outreach, Minneapolis area*
Eric and Janet Johnson, Converge Worldwide, church development, Mexico
Bob and Debbie Long, Converge Worldwide; education, Phillipines

M - Z

John and Elaine Mehn, Converge Worldwide; church development, Japan
Dave and Synnove Mitchell, TEAM (Retired); church development, Pakistan *
Dennis and Melody Nordine, Converge Worldwide; education, Phillipines

In addition to the twelve shown above, there are two whose identify we cannot reveal for security reasons, both with direct Evangel connections. It can be dangerous to identify such people because they work in countries that are closed to the Gospel and Christians can be persecuted. (See The Persecuted Church page).